- Hi. I was just looking foryou.
- Hi.
- Helen. Hi.
- Right. Hi.
- Good to meet you.
- I'm sorry I'm so late.
- I'm always late.
- Don't worry about it. Come sit.
I hopeyou didn't
wait long.
No. Well, I was just starting
to get worried...
- that maybeyou weren't
gonna show at all.
- Yeah. Yeah.
Um-- [ Exhales ]
Helen, right?.
Um, you know, gosh. I should've
said this on the phone...
and I didn't, and...
I'm sorrythat I didn't,
you should really know that...
this isn't me.
- It isn't?.
- Not at all.
I'm sorry.
[ Groans ]
- Shit!
- Which part ofrit isn'tyou?
Oh. Uh, all of it.
So why did you--
Um, yeah, you know what?.
The truth is,
I've ben trying to be a little less
me lately, and that's why this.
But, really,
I'm still me, see?.
I see.
Well, look.
We don't have to do a whole big--
We could just get a drink.
- Yeah, I don't think so. Taxi!
- Oh, come on.
You don't wanna go
to your dinner so frazzled.
My-- Oh, my dinner.
Right. Right.
Yeah, I think a little red wine
would really help to,you know--
Look, um,
you seem really nice.
I just--
I-I made a mistake.
I-I have to go.