Kissing Jessica Stein

- Yeah. Oh, hey,Josh?.
- Yeah.

Do you ever use "marinate"
as a verb?.

I mean, no, not as a verb. As a verb
in other arenas than froodpreparation?

- What do you mean?. Like, "to sit with"?.
- Right, right, right.

To sit with something.
To let something marinate.

- No.
- Oh. I love it.

## [Humming]
You know what?.
Don't worry about it.
[ Intercom Buzzing ]
- Hi.
- Hi.

- Hi. Come in, please.
- Hi.

- Oh, thankyou.
- Hi.

- Hi.
- Wow.

- You look great.
- Oh, no, thankyou.

No. You-You do.
I-- I'm a mess, actually.

- Those shoes are gorgeous.
- Oh, thanks for noticing.

- Are they Nine West?.
- No, Kenneth Cole.

- Oh, you're kidding! Oh.
- No.

Well, they're very sexy.
They suityou.
Uh, can we cut to the chase
for a sec?.

Just get the hard topics
out ofthe way.

Um, sure.
What's on your mind?.

Um, well,
it's just that-that...
whenever I've thought
about lesbianism in the past,

I've always said, "Ew,"
you know?.

Just, "Ew. Can't go there.
Can't get excited."

- I mean, what would we do?. You know?.
- Right, right.

- I mean, this is your big issue.
- Right, right.

But I-I had such a wonderful time
with you the other night.

- Oh, me too.
- I really did.

And I've been marinating
on things.
