Kissing Jessica Stein

And, um--

I have taken the liberty of getting some
informational materials on the topic,

- and I wondered ifl might--
- Oh, of course.

Okay, okay.
Well, uh--

This one leaflet was
particularly intriguing to me--

Lesbian Sex:
Hot, Safre andSane.

- Do you know it?.
- Uh, no. But please, share.

- I'd love to see it.
- Okay.

Well, um, I was surprised to learn
that lesbians accessorize.

I didn't know that.
So, for example,

on page 1 1 --
I dogeared it--

they show some ofthe higher-tech
lesbian accoutrement.

- Wow.
- [ Exhales ]

- Wow.
- Yeah.

So, gosh, um,
how would this work?.

Well, I think I would just
strap that on and--

Oh, no, no, no.
That's not fair.

We should certainly trade off
and share the load...

in terms of
giving and receiving.

But that doesn't address the actual
gross-out factor, ifyou will.

- Oh, no offense. No offense.
- Oh.

- No, none taken.
- Okay, 'cause, I mean, look at you.

Who wouldn't wanna
have sex with you, right?.

I mean, do you.
But, um--

Look,Jess, let's not put the cart
before the horse here...

with all the high-tech stuff, you know,
'cause we don't need any ofthat.

We don't?.
I myselfr
have always prefrerred...

the standard, organic,
old-fashioned way.

You're right.

So that'd be just--
- Well, it's basically the same
as with a man,
- Thankyou.

except minus one thing,
you know?.

Right, right.
Yes, well, right.

And let's face it, it's the other stuff
that works forwomen anyway, right?.

Yes, well, that is, um--
that is true.

- ## [Soul]
- Nice place.

- Thanks.
- [Man Singing]# It freels so good#

- Is that BarryWhite?.
- Uh, no.
