Kissing Jessica Stein

- Stein has the pleasure
ofworking for me.
- Oh.

So you must be that "complete asshole"
she's always talking about?.

[ Chuckling ]
Don't mind her.

She's just working out
some residual anger from college.

- You guys went to college together?.
- No.

He went with my brother.
I was a freshman when theywere seniors.

- We dated for a year.
- Really?

- Mm-hmm.
- So, what happened?.

Well, she didn't think
I was living up to my potential.

- Which was what?.
- She thought I was gonna be
the next Hemingway.

Whatever. He was
an extremely talented writer.

Now he's a professional
"I" dotter and "T" crosser.

- Let's just get--
- We thought Stein was gonna be
the next Georgia O'Keefe,

but she's actually turned out to be
a pretty good "T" crosser herself.

- Okay, a pleasure as always,Josh.
- You paint?. I had no idea.

I'm really a hack. I don't at all. We
can go. I just gotta get this one thing.

Listen, can I just
use the bathroom?.

Oh,yeah. I'm sorry.
It's, um,

through that door, and it's right at the
elevator, left at the water fountain.

It's, uh, left
at the water fountain.

[Jessica ] But it's not-- There's
no-- It's not, "You will be wise.

You will gain great wisdom
through some lifre-altering event. "

I t's si m ply, "You are--"
What does yours say?.

- " Home is where the heart lies."
- Okay, you got an adage.

- Well, so what?. I like adages.
- You got an adage.

The whole notion
ofthe fortune cookie is a sham.

I mean, when does anyone--
Excuse me?.

- When does anyone get a frortune?
I'd like to know.
- It's all right.

I'm sorry. There are no frortunes
being dispensed here.

- I mean, it's a misnomer--
- Hey, hey. Sorry to interrupt
this big debate here,

but me and my friends over at the bar
have a little pool going.

Basically, we wanna determine
which one ofyou is more beautiful.

- Oh, right.
- Who won?.

Yousee, that's the thing. We're
sittin'over there scratching our heads,

- 'cause it's close,you know?
- Right.

We thought we'd come over here and
buyyou some drinks, do some research.

- I thi nk we're fi ne, thanks.
- Oh, no, pleasejoin us.
We would love that.
