Theirwhole thing, you know?.
Like, the way they touch.
How do they touch?.
You know, when they-- Well, a woman
is soft, so when they touch each other,
it's, like, they're soft.
Women really know how
to touch.
But what would they do,
I wonder?.
[Man ]
Who cares what they'd do!
Just two women's bodies
together isjust hot!
Their hips, their legs, their belly
buttons. I mean, it's all good.
[Man #2 ] And obviously,
two women together would know how to--
They know how everything
works in there.
- Like how what works?.
- [ Gasps ]
-Jess, what's the matter?.
- Nothing. Uh, nothing.
It's just I have
a slight leg cramp.
Oh. You really should
get that looked at.
- Yeah. Yeah. Thankyou forthe concern.
- No problem.
Um, you knowwhat, guys?. I think
we really, really have to get going.
- Oh, no!
- Can't we getyou a drink or something?.
Uh, no, no. You know what?. I'm
a little worried aboutJessica's leg.
- Yeah.
- And I really think I should
get her into bed.
- Mm-hmm.
- Well, it was nice meetingyou.
- Take care.
- Bye.
You see?.
That's the thing about women.
They really know how
to take care of each other.
## [Hip-Hop ]
## [ Woman Rapping,
Indistinct ]
- [D.oorbell Buzzing]
- Oh, come on!
Shit! Oh, my God.
Are you expecting somebody?.
- No!
- Fuck.
[ Muttering, I ndistinct ]
- Aah!
- Greg! Oh, my God. What are you doing?.
- I know you ain't been trying
to avoid me and shit.
- No, no.
Hi. Hi.
I'm Jessica.
I'm-I'm Greg.
How you doin'?. I'm sorry. I didn't--
Oh, no, no. No, no, no.
I was just going.
- No, wait! No, you're not.
- Yes,yes,yes, I was.
We just saw a movie, Greg, and I was
just gonna use Helen's bathroom...
because the line in
the theaterwas so long.
But Ijust did, so I'm good.
Andnow I'm gonna get going,
soyou guys should carry on.