You're a genius.
So, Helen, what groundbreaking
project is on your docket next?
Wel l, actually, I 'm curating a show
this summer for new artists.
New artists?. Well,
Jessie's work should be in that.
- Mom--
- Haveyouseen herstuff?
- I haven't. Isn't that funny?.
- She is marvelous.
That's herpainting over there.
- Mom--
She was the rage at Brown.
-Jess, that's really good.
- Yeah, don't bother. She won't listen.
[ Thunderclap ]
[ Chattering]
All right, it's settled.
No one's leaving. The rain's terrible.
We've got warm beds.
Everyone stays. Genug. Enough said.
I hopeyou girls
don't mindsharing.
No problem.
We'll be okay.
- Right,Jess?.
- Yes. Um, yeah. We'll be fine, Mom.
You sure it's big enough?.
- I thinkwe'll just fit. Good night.
- Good night.
- Stop it!
- You stop.
- Kids. Good night,Stanley.
- Goodnight.
[TV, Indistinct]
Poor Stanley. Didn't know
what he was getting into, huh?.
- Those Stein women are tough to please.
- Yeah.
It'd take a better man
than me, clearly.
Well-- So how's
yourwriting coming?.
Oh, you know.
- What doyou mean?.
- [ Sighs ]
I decided that I didn't really
wanna be a writer anymore.
I'm much happier tearing down
the work of otherwriters...
who are not as talented as I am,
but also not as paralyzed.
Any artistic frustration I have now
I just take out on them.
Damn, man.
You got dark.
[ Sighs ]
I know.
This is so weird.
In a month of such normalcy.
We must be very quiet.