Big Brother ...
Snakes, Johnny. Snakes.
Come here...
Good, that's a real killer ...
There, now it's your turn.
Pick that one up. Don't be afraid.
It won't harm you.
And then you go: Atcha!
No, man, like this: Atcha, atcha!
You have to get the tone right.
Get him!
Where are you going?
You haven't learnt it yet!
- Does your mother know about it?
- Does he hit you often?
- Why can't we call your mother?
- Draw your family for us.
The safe's at the end of the tunnel.
- What's that sound?
- It's the safe sliding down.
- Can I see it?
- That's totally forbidden.
I don't even have access to it.
Besides, the dogs are down there.
Tell the guard to lock the dogs up
on Friday.
We can't have the dogs running
around at the staff party.