Where are you going?
You haven't learnt it yet!
- Does your mother know about it?
- Does he hit you often?
- Why can't we call your mother?
- Draw your family for us.
The safe's at the end of the tunnel.
- What's that sound?
- It's the safe sliding down.
- Can I see it?
- That's totally forbidden.
I don't even have access to it.
Besides, the dogs are down there.
Tell the guard to lock the dogs up
on Friday.
We can't have the dogs running
around at the staff party.
Try there.
Can we get three of those? They
used them for the Gibson Expedition.
Where did you get all that money?
Three intercoms, courtesy of
Singapore Airlines. They won't know.
- Your parents know you can do this?
- I doubt it.
They keep sending Pokémon games,
although I'm the local Diablo champ.
- Look what I found.
- That is so cool!