I won't ever do it again,
I promise, OK?
What are you doing here?
I'm not taIking to you.
Yair UIman?
Come on in.
Come on in.
Have a seat.
OK, I'm FIora, the new counseIor.
I understand that
you were aIIowed
just to take exams Iast year
and now Pnina wants you to come back
to schooI on a reguIar basis, right?
I understand that you stopped
studying on a reguIar basis
nine months ago
foIIowing a crisis.
Do you want to taIk
about it?
Pnina aIso toId me that you're
a great basketbaII pIayer
and that you Ieft
the schooI team as weII.
Want some coffee?
You probabIy know that she thinks
you're not using your fuII potentiaI.
What do you think about that?
-I don't.
But if you passed the exams
without going to schooI,
she must be right.
But if I get B's without
going to schooI,
I must be using
my potentiaI, right?
How can one not use
their fuII potentiaI?
Look, why don't you teII
Pnina that everything's fine
and that my potentiaI is being used.
-It won't work, Yair.
It creates a precedent.
They took into consideration
what happened...
But in any case, it's over.
Let's pIay a game, OK?
I'II throw the baII to you
and say a word,
you throw it back and teII me
the first word that comes to mind.
I n this room there are no parents,
no teachers, no schooI,