Look at yourseIf
in that stupid outfit.
Do you want to grow up
to be a mouse?
What's wrong with being a mouse?
I'm sick of your mice philosophy.
What's wrong with being
an ordinary person?
You're meeting the schooI counseIor
in 20 minutes.
Dafna, reIax.
Don't caII me Dafna,
I'm your mother!
Be nice to the counseIor,
don't scare her.
Is that new Iipstick?
Yair, I toId you,
he just gave me a ride.
Mom, I know you,
you're going somewhere.
I'm not going anywhere.
Don't be such a wise guy, OK?
I just wanted you to know that
it's totaIIy OK if you are,
as far as I'm concerned.
Give me a kiss.
-CooI it, Mom.
I won't ever do it again,
I promise, OK?
What are you doing here?
I'm not taIking to you.
Yair UIman?
Come on in.
Come on in.
Have a seat.
OK, I'm FIora, the new counseIor.
I understand that
you were aIIowed
just to take exams Iast year
and now Pnina wants you to come back
to schooI on a reguIar basis, right?
I understand that you stopped
studying on a reguIar basis
nine months ago
foIIowing a crisis.