It's over.
I'm Ieaving,
I'm moving to TeI Aviv.
But it won't happen again.
-It's not just the gig.
I don't want to be stuck
here aII my Iife.
We have a gig in two weeks.
-At a schooI.
Lots of bands perform at
schooIs, you said so yourseIf.
Yeah, but they get paid.
Have you been thinking
about this Iong?
Maya, you're a kid,
you're stilI in high schooI.
I'm 24 years oId,
I shouId be dead from an overdose
or something. Maya!
Dafna UIman?
Get up, come on.
You're going to pay for this.
Maybe this isn't
such a good idea.
I just finished a night shift.
It'II be fine, don't worry,
we'II have a IittIe rehearsaI,
then we'II shoot it.
TeII me something about yourseIf.
My name is Dafna,
I'm 43,
I have four kids.
-Say that you're 39, not 43.
But I wrote 43 on the form.
It doesn't matter.
It's the video that counts.
Try again.
My name is Dafna, I work
at Rothschild HospitaI,
I'm a midwife,
I have 39 kids.
Sorry, sorry,
I got mixed up.
That smile, that's it.
OK, Iet's start.
HeIIo, Dafna.
How are you? -Fine.
Dafna, without knowing you,