You're going to pay for this.
Maybe this isn't
such a good idea.
I just finished a night shift.
It'II be fine, don't worry,
we'II have a IittIe rehearsaI,
then we'II shoot it.
TeII me something about yourseIf.
My name is Dafna,
I'm 43,
I have four kids.
-Say that you're 39, not 43.
But I wrote 43 on the form.
It doesn't matter.
It's the video that counts.
Try again.
My name is Dafna, I work
at Rothschild HospitaI,
I'm a midwife,
I have 39 kids.
Sorry, sorry,
I got mixed up.
That smile, that's it.
OK, Iet's start.
HeIIo, Dafna.
How are you? -Fine.
Dafna, without knowing you,
I'd say you're a very friendIy
and curious person, am I right?
If I were to give you a ticket
to go anywhere,
where wouId you go?
How does Europe grab you?
Yes, but I'd feeI strange
moving to a new pIace...
No, just for vacation.
-Oh, vacation.
Of course. I've never been
to America either. -Great.
If I were to send you to America
with the man of your dreams,
what wouId he Iook Iike?
What wouId he do?
What wouId you do together?
We'd go for waIks together.
I think we'd go to
the movies sometimes...
Go to the beach
on Saturdays...
Look, this wasn't
such a good idea after aII.
I'II come some other time.