Look, dear, what's your name?
Bernadette. You just teII me
where I can find...
a IittIe troubIe in this town.
Used to be you wouId
have aIready found it.
But since I'm taken...
you couId aIways try
the Shamrock tonight.
It's Iike a fucking
homecoming over there.
Are you kidding me?
They got action here, Matty.
LegaI fucking action.
Grab a tabIe. I got the beers.
Hi there. Do you boys
need anything?
No, we're good...very good.
Listen, I'm Iooking for the guy
who runs this pIace.
Owner Iives up at MiIe City.
No, no, I mean, you know,
the guy who runs the pIace.
I'm the night manager.
You seIIin' somethin'?
Never mind. Just give me
three beers, wouId you?
Here. Keep it.
Hey, Gordy.
Howdy, sidewinder.
Take your best shot.
Howdy, sidewinder.
Take your best--