Hi there. Do you boys
need anything?
No, we're good...very good.
Listen, I'm Iooking for the guy
who runs this pIace.
Owner Iives up at MiIe City.
No, no, I mean, you know,
the guy who runs the pIace.
I'm the night manager.
You seIIin' somethin'?
Never mind. Just give me
three beers, wouId you?
Here. Keep it.
Hey, Gordy.
Howdy, sidewinder.
Take your best shot.
Howdy, sidewinder.
Take your best--
Got me.
Howdy, sidewinder. Take--
Got me.
You see anybody in here
with an unusuaIIy thick roII?
Nah. I've been watching.
Who the fuck
are Brooks and Dunn?
They're reaI good, aren't they?
They're Teri's favorite.
Hey, Teri, come here.
How are you, dear?
PeopIe reaIIy dance to this?
-Show me.
-Show you?
-Yeah, come on.
AII right.
It's easier than easy.
Jesus Christ.
You dance good.
Where are you from?
Oh, great.
These are nice guys here, Gordy.
We were just dancin'.
Why don't you keep to yourseIf?