I'm a dead man.
She toId me
not to give you her number.
Let me expIain.
What I'm saying is
she's got something that's mine.
I need to get it back ASAP.
She's in AfricaI
I know that, but I need that ticket.
It's Iife or death.
Life or death, Anna!
Is that the best
you can come up with?
Give me the fucking number,
you bitch!
Anna, forgive me, pIease...
I'm a dead man.
MoItès has escaped
from the Santé prison,
with two other prisoners,
J. Monthieux and M. Deschamps.
The three fugitives apparentIy
escaped in a Iaundry truck.
We now have comments from
Mr. Duquenois, MoItès's Iawyer.
I know my cIient weII.
He does not make rash decisions.
If he has escaped,
he sureIy has his reasons.
Which are?
OnIy he can answer.
I'm definiteIy a dead man.
The poIice are on aIert
for the man of a thousand faces...
With onIy 6 weeks Ieft to serve,
MoItès took everyone by surprise.
PoIice are on the Iookout
for the car stoIen by the fugitive...