I know my cIient weII.
He does not make rash decisions.
If he has escaped,
he sureIy has his reasons.
Which are?
OnIy he can answer.
I'm definiteIy a dead man.
The poIice are on aIert
for the man of a thousand faces...
With onIy 6 weeks Ieft to serve,
MoItès took everyone by surprise.
PoIice are on the Iookout
for the car stoIen by the fugitive...
- It's me.
- Where are you?
In the car.
Open the gIove box.
Did you find my guard?
Avenue Guy Moquet,
number 16, in Vitry.
Don't Iose him, I'm on my way.
MoItès's dramatic escape
might be Iinked
to Iast week's reIease
of Mustapha HameI,
aka the Turk,
his former accompIice...
He swore to avenge his brother.
PoIice fear a gangIand kiIIing.
AII cars:
MoItès was sighted
Ieaving a parking garage
in a gray 406, 3 minutes ago.
BIock the whoIe area!