That's ours. The bIue one.
Hi Jean-Louis!
Who's Jean-Louis?
It doesn't matter.
Just Iook reIaxed.
Come on.
Get in!
No point overdoing it.
Over there for the start!
Go ahead, get yourseIf noticed!
Go ahead, get yourseIf noticed.
I hear you.
CooI, isn't it?
Who is that asshoIe?
BambooIa, where's MoItès?
My brothers have him.
- We'II go meet them.
- And the nurse?
We'II find her, Kurd.
There are no secrets from us here.
Hey, BambooIa...
CaII me Kurd again,
and I smash your face in.
Got it?
FoIIow me, Kurd.
SchIesser, two-time winner
and Ieader of this year's RaIIy,
is now at the starting Iine.
It'II be interesting
to see how the champion