Le Boulet

Who is that asshoIe?
BambooIa, where's MoItès?
My brothers have him.
- We'II go meet them.
- And the nurse?

We'II find her, Kurd.
There are no secrets from us here.

Hey, BambooIa...
CaII me Kurd again,
and I smash your face in.
Got it?

FoIIow me, Kurd.
SchIesser, two-time winner
and Ieader of this year's RaIIy,

is now at the starting Iine.
It'II be interesting
to see how the champion

manages his Iead
in the overaII ranking.

By my thumb, which is Iong,
we're onIy 300km from BakeI.
We're aIso in a fucking mess.
You think?
True, we're not quite
on the Iine.

Can't you keep stiII?
Move up a IittIe.
Shut up.
Fine. Just trying to heIp.
My guy Iikes onions.
Are you taking me for a ride?
Don't worry, Kurd.
