As you can see, death was
brought about by strangulation.
After that he cut off the leg.
in the groin here
Like he was following
the bikini line, see that?
Clean, high-quality work.
as good as a pro.
-Could a butcher have done this?
-Yeah, so could a surgeon.
Looks like the Danais killing
in Montreal, doesnt it?
Same type of mutilation.
and same level of skill.
-Signs of rape?
-No. there are vaginal contusions
but weve found no semen, so for
DNA youll have to look elsewhere.
Are you free for dinner
this evening?
Not really, no.
What are those three little holes
around the navel?
Right, those. They were most likely
done with a stylet, like this one.
We're still doing tests.
Could be some sort of signature.
Hi, Josee. I'll be needing
the entire Muriel Danais file
she was found mutilated
last month in Montreal.
And give me any other files with
mutilation or amputated victims.
No problem.
You know what Graham is like.
She never says a word.
What can I tell you?
Thats how she is.
Shes used to working alone.
thats why shes single.
She does everything alone?
Even love, Ive been told.
Ive got a confirmation on where
Josiane Girard was last seen alive.
A place called Sportec Plus.
She worked out there.
All alone?