What are you waiting for?
l'll get that bitch!
See what she did?
Look out!
Try it and you're dead!
But we'll all shag you first.
We'll make an effort.
Fucker! l'll tell them!
You're heading back to the asylum!
Goddam slut!
l fucked up my shoes 'cause of her.
She won't talk.
She knows she's had it if l go back.
She knows l'm serious.
Tell me... Do l look mad?
Once, back home, l was watching
this marine life documentary.
My dad comes
and sits down next to me.
He points to this whale
and he says,
''Look, that's a grouper.''
So l told him,
''No, dad,
Cousteau said it was a whale.''
''Shut up. l say it's a grouper!''
''Okay, you're right.
''Cousteau's full of shit.
''lt's a grouper.''
He always rode a bike to work.
One day, l pinched a scooter
and followed him.
l waited till it was quiet.
l sped past and kicked at his wheel.
He fell
but the bastard didn't die.
And l got fucking caught.
l need guys for my business.
l've had this idea. Dead easy.
- No thanks.
- Why?
What've you got to lose?
Your sister's fine here.
l won't leave her. She's all l have.