It's not a toy.
All right.
Everybody ready?
Man: Oh, yeah.
All right, yeah,
we got speed.
OK, Lanie,
wheneveryou're ready,
we got speed.
[High-pitched Voice]
I'm Lanie Kerrigan,
in front of
Giggles Comedy Club--
[Crowd Laughing]
Why don'tyou take over?
Areyou serious?
[High-pitched Voice]
Ha ha ha. All right!
Howyou doing, Seattle?
Howyou doing?
You happy?
Defiine happiness.
Your death.
She wants me.
Oh, man, you're in trouble.
He is completely unprofessional.
He turned my piece
into ajoke.
It was about a comedy club.
I can't workwith him.
Look, from what I understand,
the piece is fantastic,
and you look great.
Well, isn't that
whyyou asked for me?
I didn't ask foryou.
It doesn't matter
whether she asked
foryou or not.
Doyou have another
cameraman on this staff
who can make her look
like a natural blonde?
Doyou see what I have
to put up with, Dennis?
I am notjust a reporter.
I am a TV personality.
My hair is my trademark.
Just like the
I-don't-like-to-shower look
is your trademark.
Lanie, enough.
Pete, enough out ofyou, too.
- Mo: Dennis.
- What?
They're ready
foryou in edit 3.
Thanks, Mo.
I'll be there in a minute.
Look, now I wantyou two
to stay in this room
till I get back,
and then we'll discuss
your next story.
In the meantime, stop
acting like children
and fiind out a way to get along.