It doesn't matter
whether she asked
foryou or not.
Doyou have another
cameraman on this staff
who can make her look
like a natural blonde?
Doyou see what I have
to put up with, Dennis?
I am notjust a reporter.
I am a TV personality.
My hair is my trademark.
Just like the
I-don't-like-to-shower look
is your trademark.
Lanie, enough.
Pete, enough out ofyou, too.
- Mo: Dennis.
- What?
They're ready
foryou in edit 3.
Thanks, Mo.
I'll be there in a minute.
Look, now I wantyou two
to stay in this room
till I get back,
and then we'll discuss
your next story.
In the meantime, stop
acting like children
and fiind out a way to get along.