Life or Something Like It

So, uh, how's Cal?
How's bachelorette number 3?
You know, for someone
who supposedly hates me,

you take a healthy interest
in my love life, don'tyou?

Ohh, the words ''healthy''
and your ''love life''

do not belong in
the same sentence.

You trying to live
vicariously maybe?

I mean, God knows
your fiiance's never around,

so maybe that's it.
You don't bother me.
You can't.
Because no matter how
you'd like to defiine it,

I can honestly say
at this moment,

my life is perfect.
Defiine perfection.
I'll defiine perfection.
Greatjob, great friends--

Great man, great apartment.
Great hair, great body.
- Thankyou.
- Uh-huh.

Great newjob opportunity.
Yep. Dennis told me.
And don't worry about me,
I'm fiine.

I'm happy foryou.
- Really?
- Really.

That's so nice.
I loveyou.

I loveyou, too.
I loveyour earrings.
You gave them to me.

- Oh.
- [Laughs]

Anyway, Pete's a dick.
He's arrogant and rude--
He's a malcontented--
Anti-social juvenile.
Who's overrated and overpaid.
He has no manners.
He has no idea
how to treat a lady.

But he's good in bed.
You slept with Pete.

- I did.
- Yeah?

He has a kind of--
kind ofquirky,

sort ofloner appeal,
don'tyou think?

No, I mean, I don't.
I-- You know, butyou--

That's great.
Soyou're seeing Pete now?

No, no, ofcourse not.
Actually, I have my eye
on our new sportscaster...

Hmm. That's great.
You're not mad about Pete?
Pete? I don't care
who Pete sleeps with.

He sleeps with everybody.
