- It's 1 1 :06.
- Hmm.
I forgot about that.
Areyou being weird?
Defiine weird.
- I got thejob.
- I heard.
So ProphetJackwas wrong.
That was the fiirst thing
I asked him.
So that means what?
So that means
that he's crazy,
that I'm not gonna die,
that I'm gonna live...
in New York.
When do theywantyou to leave?
In a few hours.
They're picking me up.
Theywant me to be
on the show tomorrow morning.
And guess who theywant me
to interview.
I haven't a clue. Who?
Deborah Connors.
A live interview
with me and Deborah Connors.
That's great.
Well, congratulations.
I'm sureyou're
gonna do a greatjob.
I wantyou to go with me.
I don't wanna go back
to New York, Lanie.
Because ofyour son?
Yeah, because ofhim,
and because I like it here.
You know, I like my life.
I'm not likeyou.
I just think nothing ever
satisfiies your appetite for long.
Is that whatyou think ofme?
That's what I think.
Would you be saying that
ifyou thought I was
gonna die tomorrow?
I never thought
you were gonna die.
I thinkyou did.
I thinkyou did.
I think somewhere inside,
that's whyyou let me in.
That's whyyou introduced me
toyour son.
It's whyyou spent
the night with me.