I wantyou to go with me.
I don't wanna go back
to New York, Lanie.
Because ofyour son?
Yeah, because ofhim,
and because I like it here.
You know, I like my life.
I'm not likeyou.
I just think nothing ever
satisfiies your appetite for long.
Is that whatyou think ofme?
That's what I think.
Would you be saying that
ifyou thought I was
gonna die tomorrow?
I never thought
you were gonna die.
I thinkyou did.
I thinkyou did.
I think somewhere inside,
that's whyyou let me in.
That's whyyou introduced me
toyour son.
It's whyyou spent
the night with me.
You thoughtyou'd never
have to follow through.
I think that's what happened.
That's not it at all.
You know why I did
all those things?
Because on Monday, out
at the strike, I fiinally sawyou.
No. The real Lanie.
The real you.
And that's who I want,
and that's who I still want.
That's who I introduced to my son.
This is everything
I've ever dreamed of.
Well, then, I guess
there's nothing
left to say, is there?
You're gonna go to New York,
and I'm staying here.
Nowhere in the corridors
ofpale green and gray
Nowhere in the suburbs
In the cold light ofday
There in the midst ofit,
so alive and alone