Sir, I am sorry Try the next door
I just got finished eating
your bad pancakes
and got my plane stolen
out of my car in your parking lot
- Want me to call the police?
- No I want the Yellow Pages
What are you looking for?
- Planes
- Planes?
Yeah Model planes
You know, remote- Control planes
- Toy planes
- Yeah, toy planes
- You're not going to find anything
- Let me look
Let me look
You're not going to find it
There, you see that? You see that?
Yeah, one of your fucking friends
stole my plane
somebody who eats your bad food
all the time
That plane is going to ruin
this whole place
How's this?
How's this?
- Looks great Yeah, looks great
- Nephew has the same one
It's red, though
He took it right into the grain closet
and rolled for 17
My sister won't let him
in her house anymore
I got a Chevy truck, like the one
that I grew up as a girl with
- What fuel does it take?
- Omega, 15 to 20 percent
- You know what that is?
- I got some in my trunk
Oh, you don't need any
Well, you're gonna run out sometime
Sure will
Where you off to?
New Orleans
I want to go to the beach
Honey, there's no beaches
in New Orleans
- It's right on the water
- I know Funny None
There's no beach?
Problem over at the Pancake House?
Oh, it's all right I got another one