How's this?
- Looks great Yeah, looks great
- Nephew has the same one
It's red, though
He took it right into the grain closet
and rolled for 17
My sister won't let him
in her house anymore
I got a Chevy truck, like the one
that I grew up as a girl with
- What fuel does it take?
- Omega, 15 to 20 percent
- You know what that is?
- I got some in my trunk
Oh, you don't need any
Well, you're gonna run out sometime
Sure will
Where you off to?
New Orleans
I want to go to the beach
Honey, there's no beaches
in New Orleans
- It's right on the water
- I know Funny None
There's no beach?
Problem over at the Pancake House?
Oh, it's all right I got another one
You got another Yellow Pages?
No, another plane
I got my plane stolen
After yelling at people?
Tearing up their phone books?
Let me show you the way out