Maid in Manhattan

Well, what's not to love?
-Where you going?
-l'm gonna walk Rufus.

What, are you writing a book?
ln 1 0 minutes, okay?

-One pee.
-lf Mom says okay, can l come?

-lf my mom says okay, can l come?

-Sure. Where's your mom?
-Back on 22. Park Suite.

No, you know what, Chris?
You're in a hurry.

-He doesn't have time.
-No, he's in a hurry. l'm fine.

-You take him.

l'll go up with you.
l forgot his ball anyway.

l don't want to-- Wait!
Hold on!
Hi, honey. lt's Ty!
What are you doing up here?
Where's Mom?
lt's for you, ma'am.
What are you talking about?
Ty, don't you--?

Hey, Ma, this is Chris. He's got
a giant gray dog named Rufus.

And if you say okay,
l'm gonna go walk with him, okay?


Let's not forget. l'm a kid and l need
fresh air. Please, can l go, Mom?

l'm Chris Marshall.
:29:07 want your coat?
-The weather can be so tricky here.

Weren't you saying
what a beautiful day it was?

Oh, you're going out?
Weren't you saying how you
wanted to stretch your legs?

Well, if your husband
wouldn't mind....

She doesn't have a husband.
-l don't have a husband.
-l insist, then.

-Come with us, if you're free.

-Come on, Mom.
-Here we go.

l can't.
-Put these on.
-The shoes are too big.

Have a good time. Have fun.
-Come on, Ty, let's go find Rufus.
-Come on, Mom.

Mr. Marshall, John Bextrum,
hotel manager.

This is fun.
-So be cool, okay?

What's this?
lf that slips out again,
tuck it in for me.

And the night before.
You're not answering your pager.

-Really? l never got the message.

You said you'd take us to Niketown.
Well, here, l'll go down with you.
