With the proviso that you
pass the practical exam...
...and fulfill each requirement
for every station.
So you see, Miss Ventura,
...when life shuts one door,
it opens a window.
So jump.
Steph, where are you?
l know you're in here.
-Don't tell me you're busted.
-No, you are.
You know what?
You had no right!
What are you talking about?
You filled out
an application for me?
-They're considering you.
-Do you know what you've done?
-l did you a favor.
-No. lf you wanna do me a favor...
...then mind your own business
once in a while.
For two years, you've yapped
about getting out of uniform...
...and what ideas you got.
This morning, l'm having coffee
with Rosalie from personnel...
...and l ask her.
l go, ''Marisa got a shot?''
She goes, ''Marisa who?''
l go, ''Marisa Ventura. She's applied.''
She goes, ''lf she applied,
l'd slip it to the top of the pile.''
So l just act real nonchalantlike
and l go, ''Are you sure?''
So she goes, she double-checks,
and she tells me:
''Marisa Ventura ain't never applied
for no management program ever.''
lmagine my shock and dismay.
My own partner,
lying to me like that.
Then l figured maybe you were
too chickenshit, so l did it myself.
lf they took you,
you'd be happy.
And if they didn't, you wouldn't know
the difference. So sue me!
These are the golden years.
We gotta prove our mothers wrong.
Don't waste them.
What we did today was wrong.
But you didn't really lie.
Not technically.
Now you're starting
to sound like Nixon.
Letting someone believe
something's true when it's not...
...is just as much
a lie as a lie is.
l let him think l was staying in the
suite, not cleaning it. l'm the maid.
l hate to break it to you,
but l don't think he's after your money.