So she goes, she double-checks,
and she tells me:
''Marisa Ventura ain't never applied
for no management program ever.''
lmagine my shock and dismay.
My own partner,
lying to me like that.
Then l figured maybe you were
too chickenshit, so l did it myself.
lf they took you,
you'd be happy.
And if they didn't, you wouldn't know
the difference. So sue me!
These are the golden years.
We gotta prove our mothers wrong.
Don't waste them.
What we did today was wrong.
But you didn't really lie.
Not technically.
Now you're starting
to sound like Nixon.
Letting someone believe
something's true when it's not...
...is just as much
a lie as a lie is.
l let him think l was staying in the
suite, not cleaning it. l'm the maid.
l hate to break it to you,
but l don't think he's after your money.
l can't believe you just said that!
Just get my keys in my pocket,
please. This is hot.
Good job.
All right, sweetie.
Behave yourself, okay?
-Thank you.
-My pleasure.
Can l borrow this?
-Of course.
-Thank you.
Baby, bye.
And remember,
all security lDs...
...will need to be rephotographed
starting next week.
l think that's all.
Thank you very much.
Barbara, Clarice,
come with me, please.