l can't believe you just said that!
Just get my keys in my pocket,
please. This is hot.
Good job.
All right, sweetie.
Behave yourself, okay?
-Thank you.
-My pleasure.
Can l borrow this?
-Of course.
-Thank you.
Baby, bye.
And remember,
all security lDs...
...will need to be rephotographed
starting next week.
l think that's all.
Thank you very much.
Barbara, Clarice,
come with me, please.
-Have you seen this?
-No. What?
Well, let me show you.
Give me this.
Yeah. So?
What do you mean, ''so''? What if
somebody from the hotel sees it?
l hate to break the bubble.
You can't tell it's you.
-Don't worry about it.
-lt's the front page of the paper today.
Stop. You do one spontaneous thing,
you think you're going to hell.
Do you understand
this could be bad?
Don't be such a Catholic. Please.
Come on.
Good morning.
Nice to see you.
-Can l steal him away for a second?
-Let me steal you away.
-Excuse me.
-l want to talk to you.
-What's the problem?
This! Do you know
what this is gonna cost me?
An entire day of doing nothing
but covering your ass.
l'm getting calls from The London
Times, The Washington Post...
...the Chicago Sun, asking
about her identity, her background...