I'm so proud of you.
So glad we can make this happen.
Yeah. You know. What
excites me about this...
is that. For the rest of our lives.
we're gonna be together.
And. You know. That can't
be changed. You know.
And your world. You know.
is gonna be joined with my world.
My world joined
with your world.
And that's a beautiful thing.
We're gonna have one big world.
That's right.
That's right.
That's right.
I love you too. Yeah.
I need you to fill out
this paper that say...
Yeah. I just need you
to sign this here.
It say if your world
fuck up my world. Okay...
you don't get shit
out of my world. Okay?
You just go the fuck on back
to your world."
That's a hard thing to do
with them prenups and stuff.
Let me ask you a question.
Do you believe in the prenuptials?
Okay. Wow!
Y'all believe in that.
Wow. Who don't believe in it?
Overruled. Overruled!
I see you say. "Uh-uh."
You don't believe in that.
That's cool. That's cool 'cause
you believe that if it's love...
let it be pure
and just roll with that...
and let the heart take over
and see what happens.
That's a beautiful thing.
That's a beautiful thing.
So let me ask you...
This is hypothetically speaking here.
Let's say we was getting married
or some shit. Right?
This is hypothetical. Okay?
And coming into the marriage.
going in...
I got 400 million.
let's say.
And that's what
I'm coming in with...
and... you comin' in with a bag.
You still think you should
get some of that 400 mil?
- Half and half.
- Yeah. You be leaving.
"Damn. That's fucked up.
You could put something
in this bag."