Wow. Who don't believe in it?
Overruled. Overruled!
I see you say. "Uh-uh."
You don't believe in that.
That's cool. That's cool 'cause
you believe that if it's love...
let it be pure
and just roll with that...
and let the heart take over
and see what happens.
That's a beautiful thing.
That's a beautiful thing.
So let me ask you...
This is hypothetically speaking here.
Let's say we was getting married
or some shit. Right?
This is hypothetical. Okay?
And coming into the marriage.
going in...
I got 400 million.
let's say.
And that's what
I'm coming in with...
and... you comin' in with a bag.
You still think you should
get some of that 400 mil?
- Half and half.
- Yeah. You be leaving.
"Damn. That's fucked up.
You could put something
in this bag."
I guess I can't answer that.
I guess to each his own.
Fellas. I don't know.
I ain't no doctor.
I ain't no psychologist.
But I'm gonna tell you like this.
If a woman tell you she a virgin
and you gettin' ready to marry her...
test that pussy out
before you marry her.
That's just the way it goes.
Don't do it.
Don't get into it.
and then it ain't what you want.
You never know.
You gotta test that pussy out.
'Cause if you marry 'em
and then get it...
and wind up falling in the pussy.
you'd be. "Oh. Shit!"
You'd be in the land of Oz
out that motherfucker.
"Where the fuck am I?
Is this fallopian? Is this fallopian?"
So you gotta test it out.
It's just like you test-drive
a car or something.
You take a car around the corner.
bring it back to the dealer...
"Naw. I ain't gonna be able
to get this. Cuz.
Yeah. Naw. Naw. Naw. Naw.
Fuck that. Dude.
The wheels. They don't rotate right
on this motherfucker."
Test it out. If you don't check
before you get married. Fuck around...
wind up marrying
a hermaphrodite.