Master of Disguise

I straighten the menu.
I'm okay. I'm okay.
Excuse, young man.
I notice that you became acquainted
with the sidewaIk a moment ago.

I'm not a sports kid.
Pistachio, do one of your funny voices
and cheer the kid up.

What an exceIIent idea, Bernardo.
Yes, yes.

I do for you now a scene
from the hit motion picture Shrek.

You ready? Okay.
Why don't you get away
from me, Donkey?

What you taIking about, ''Get away
from you''? I'm making waffIes.

Oh, what a cute IittIe puppy.
I see you Iike my dog.
His name is The Cuteness.

I never had a dog.
WeII, perhaps your papa
wiII buy you a dog.

I never had a dad.
Papa deficient, yes.
You can pIay with The Cuteness
any time you want.

Let me introduce myseIf.
My name's Pistachio Disguisey.

-My name's Barney Baker.
-A pIeasure, Barney Baker.

And now, hungry patrons.
Moron, use a tray next time.
Those are too many pIates.

Ah, the new waiter, Rex.
So cute in your inexperience.
