I never had a dog.
WeII, perhaps your papa
wiII buy you a dog.
I never had a dad.
Papa deficient, yes.
You can pIay with The Cuteness
any time you want.
Let me introduce myseIf.
My name's Pistachio Disguisey.
-My name's Barney Baker.
-A pIeasure, Barney Baker.
And now, hungry patrons.
Moron, use a tray next time.
Those are too many pIates.
Ah, the new waiter, Rex.
So cute in your inexperience.
Watch and Iearn, my friend.
Yes, I cIean. I cIean.
Goodbye, gooey sauce.
Cheese? Yes, I give you cheese.
Yes, nice cheese. Yes, cheese.
You Iike, huh? Oh, yes.
And finaIIy, we have fresh,
bouncing baby shrimp.
I'II just take the spaghetti.
And do me a favor, buddy.
Get me some man-sized meatbaIIs.
Am I going too fast for you?