Watch and Iearn, my friend.
Yes, I cIean. I cIean.
Goodbye, gooey sauce.
Cheese? Yes, I give you cheese.
Yes, nice cheese. Yes, cheese.
You Iike, huh? Oh, yes.
And finaIIy, we have fresh,
bouncing baby shrimp.
I'II just take the spaghetti.
And do me a favor, buddy.
Get me some man-sized meatbaIIs.
Am I going too fast for you?
Am I going too fast for you?
-You mocking him?
-You mocking him?
-You better not be.
-You better not be.
-Pistachio, stop it. No mocking.
-Pistachio, stop it. No mocking.
Why do you Iet
that IittIe nutbaII be a waiter?
Listen. You have a probIem with my son,
then you have a probIem with me.
You are not weIcome here.
You, and you, get out!
Pistachio, what did I teII you?
Yes, I know, Papa. I'm sorry.
I couIdn't heIp myseIf.
-The mocking's getting worse.
There's so many voices in my head
I don't know who I am.
Listen. You are Pistachio Disguisey,
and you're a great waiter.
That is one of the voices.
Not the Ioudest one--
No. You are my son, you understand?
And I wiII aIways be proud of you.