-We shouId have gone to Burger King.
-Perhaps my destiny is far away.
No, my son.
Your destiny is here, okay?
Yes, destiny is here.
But, Papa, don't preach. I'm in
troubIe deep, and I'm keeping my baby.
-You're what?
Excuse, waiter Rex. What are you doing
with your arm around the cake?
The tush queen, what are you doing
out here with the oversized Rex?
Look, Pistachios, the siIIy voices,
the making faces...
-...it was fun for one second, okay?
-OnIy one second?
I never wanted to go out with youse!
I Iove Rex.
Yeah, got it?
I see. I can take a hint.
The message is coming through
Ioud and cIear.
-I gotta get back to work, baby.
Goodbye, Pistachios.
Get in the car, huh?
Oh, my IittIe cannoIi.
You'II make my Pistachio very happy.
Get in the car now!
Get him in there!
Let's go!
HeIIo? PoIice? In my home,
it is fuII of ransackery.
Everything different. Where--?
My name is Pistachio.
Mama's cannoIi is here.
Don't call again.