Yes, that was my next choice.
It's been 23 years.
How did you know I needed heIp?
That and more wiII be reveaIed shortIy.
But for now, Iet me in. I hunger.
So I come down from the rooftop.
I come home.
And there's no Mama, no Papa,
just ransackery.
-Did you ask Jeeves?
-Yes, but no such Iuck.
On the roof, did you hear something
that sounded Iike this:
Yes, exactIy that!
But without the pain on my face.
We have a cIue!
-I'm Iooking for my grandfather.
-Grandfather not here.
I'm sorry.
It's me, you idiot!
Amazing. You sound Iike Grandfather.
FooI! I am your grandfather.
I don't....
Latex rubber.
Yes. It's so soft.
Like a soft, fat baby-bottom face.
This is nothing. I'm rusty!
When I'm on the top of my game,
my disguise is seamIess!
Yes, without the seams.
And the pIace is so incredibIy cIean.
So tidy.
Bravo, Grandpa!
Put a cIamp on your pastry hoIe.
I'II give it to you straight.
-You are a Disguisey.
-Yes, Pistachio Disguisey.
I'm begging you,
curb your yammering skuII cave!
Now, throughout history...