Amazing. You sound Iike Grandfather.
FooI! I am your grandfather.
I don't....
Latex rubber.
Yes. It's so soft.
Like a soft, fat baby-bottom face.
This is nothing. I'm rusty!
When I'm on the top of my game,
my disguise is seamIess!
Yes, without the seams.
And the pIace is so incredibIy cIean.
So tidy.
Bravo, Grandpa!
Put a cIamp on your pastry hoIe.
I'II give it to you straight.
-You are a Disguisey.
-Yes, Pistachio Disguisey.
I'm begging you,
curb your yammering skuII cave!
Now, throughout history...
...the Disguiseys used their skiIIs
as Masters of Disguise...
...for the betterment of mankind.
In Europe, they used their power
to catch thieves.
Now I've got it. It's mine.
The statue is aIive!
They were the world's
first environmentalists.
Sorry, George Washington,
no cherry tree for you.
Abraham Lincoln
was such a boring speaker...
...that the Disguiseys had to help him
get elected president.
If you'II excuse me,
I just need a drink of water.
Rough crowd.
Let's party! Hit it, boys!
Vote for me,
we'II get funky this year!
This is your Iegacy, Pistachio.