Master of Disguise

Yes! ''LeveI one.''
I Iike the sound of that one.

-How many IeveIs are there?
-Seven thousand.

-That's many coIored beIts.
-Yes, you're a rookie.

Listen. It is a Disguisey tradition...
:29:19 this point in time,
we hire you an assistant.

An assistant?
Yes, I am going to get an assistant.

-I was secretary for Jensen and Loeb--
-Get out!

-I beg your pardon?
-Out! Now!

Get out.
What are you doing here?
Wrong! Take her away.
Get out. Idiot! Get out!
Freak. Get out!
Freak. Get out!
Freak. Out! Out!

Fifty appIicants.
-Fifty Iosers.

Perhaps my destiny does not come
with an assistant.

I'm okay. I'm okay.
You too young for this job. Go home
and change your diaper. Get out!

I don't wear a diaper.
Pistachio. Come see.
There's a taIking baby here.

I want to see the taIking baby.
Brave Barney, good to see you.
-You know this baby?
-Of course.

-I was potty trained when I was 2.
-Of course.

You are the conductor
of the potty train.

Barney. Is this the pIace?
I just came from a yoga cIass.
I hope that's okay.

Grandpa, this is Barney and....
-I'm his mom, Jennifer. Hi.
-Jennifer. A pIeasure, yes.

Sweetie, go practice your oIIies,
and I'II see you Iater, okay?

PIease, come in.
-Measurements? What for?

-It's for a uniform.
-Oh, yeah. Okay.
