Master of Disguise

I'm okay. I'm okay.
You too young for this job. Go home
and change your diaper. Get out!

I don't wear a diaper.
Pistachio. Come see.
There's a taIking baby here.

I want to see the taIking baby.
Brave Barney, good to see you.
-You know this baby?
-Of course.

-I was potty trained when I was 2.
-Of course.

You are the conductor
of the potty train.

Barney. Is this the pIace?
I just came from a yoga cIass.
I hope that's okay.

Grandpa, this is Barney and....
-I'm his mom, Jennifer. Hi.
-Jennifer. A pIeasure, yes.

Sweetie, go practice your oIIies,
and I'II see you Iater, okay?

PIease, come in.
-Measurements? What for?

-It's for a uniform.
-Oh, yeah. Okay.

It's 35-24-34.
-You said 34?
-A IittIe bottom.

I don't know if I'm right for this.
Barney said you were Iooking....

I'm sorry, he's onIy 7.
He thinks your name is Pistachio.

That is my name.
WeII, that's nice.
So okay. What is the job?
What exactIy do you guys do?

I am a Master of Disguise.
He is aIso a Master of Disguise.

he's a IeveI-one apprentice.

''Master of Disguise''? I don't get it.
You got a probIem with the word
''master,'' or ''disguise''?

Or the word ''of''?
WeII, what wouId I have to do?
What does she have to do?
Not so fast. Answer me this first:
Do you foId easiIy under pressure?

What kind of pressure?
