Master of Disguise

Disguisey thing comes with a Iot
of accoutrements.

-So Iong, master!

AII right, now.
Where to begin our search?

WeII, I guess we couId Iook around
at the spot your father was taken.

That's your idea? That's it?
To Iook around at the spot
where my father was taken?

WeII, that's crazy.
So crazy it just might work.
You know, this couId be something.
PIease, assistant,
don't pIay in the trash...

...whiIe I am
in fuII father-finding mode.

I dated a guy who used to smoke these.
This cigar's from the TurtIe CIub.
Look at the IabeI.

You want to pIay games?
I'II pIay games with you.

There we go.
I dated a guy who used
to smoke these.

This cigar's from the Turtle Club.
Jennifer, do you remember
the thing you once said...

...about the guy you used to date
from the TurtIe CIub?

Yes, my Disguisey instincts
are going crazy.

We shouId pay a visit
to this TurtIe CIub.

It's impossibIe to get in there.
You have to be a member.

You make me Iaugh.
We'II see what's impossibIe,
my ever-doubtfuI assistant.

Now, quickIy...
:36:41 the nest!
You know, the name the ''TurtIe CIub,''
it's just a name.

-You're taking it too IiteraIIy.

May I heIp you?
You a member of the cIub?
