Master of Disguise

There we go.
I dated a guy who used
to smoke these.

This cigar's from the Turtle Club.
Jennifer, do you remember
the thing you once said...

...about the guy you used to date
from the TurtIe CIub?

Yes, my Disguisey instincts
are going crazy.

We shouId pay a visit
to this TurtIe CIub.

It's impossibIe to get in there.
You have to be a member.

You make me Iaugh.
We'II see what's impossibIe,
my ever-doubtfuI assistant.

Now, quickIy...
:36:41 the nest!
You know, the name the ''TurtIe CIub,''
it's just a name.

-You're taking it too IiteraIIy.

May I heIp you?
You a member of the cIub?

-Not exactIy.
-Not exactIy.

But am I not turtIey enough
for the TurtIe CIub?

-Is he okay?
-He's fine.

He's fine. TurtIe.
He's dreamt of this pIace
ever since he was a chiId.

Do you think we can go in for a moment?
We'II be out in five minutes.

-AII right.

-Not turtIe?

TurtIe? Not turtIe.
CouId you teII me,
do you recognize this?

I recognize that. I made that cigar
for DevIin Bowman's private coIIection.

-DevIin Bowman.
