What I was trying to say is that...
...I have a present for Barney.
-Give this to him, from his dad?
Da-da-da-dat-ItaIian guy. Me.
Oh, okay. This is very sweet of you.
Kneepads. He can use these.
-WeII, thank you.
Good night.
SIeepy time, she comes.
Thanks for the Liberty BeII.
I'II bring it right back.
And remember, that's an action figure,
not a doII.
Sure thing, Governor Ventura. Thanks.
Who'd have thought Governor Ventura...
...wouId be the perfect disguise
to abscond with the Liberty BeII?
My skiIIs were meant for the betterment
of mankind, not for greed and eviI.
You shouId see your hair.
You've got serious mask-head.
Pistachio, meet my boyfriend, Trent.
There he is.
Heard a Iot about you, Pistach.
How are you?
I forgot my purse. I'II be right back.
Lay off my Iady, you freak.
My, you are a touchy-feeIy guy, Trent.