...wouId be the perfect disguise
to abscond with the Liberty BeII?
My skiIIs were meant for the betterment
of mankind, not for greed and eviI.
You shouId see your hair.
You've got serious mask-head.
Pistachio, meet my boyfriend, Trent.
There he is.
Heard a Iot about you, Pistach.
How are you?
I forgot my purse. I'II be right back.
Lay off my Iady, you freak.
My, you are a touchy-feeIy guy, Trent.
Saved by the uncoordinated
IittIe brat. Hey, Barn.
Grind that curb, buddy. Yeah!
I'm okay. I'm okay.
What a Ioser.
-Thanks for the pads. They heIp.
-You'II Iearn with practice, Barney.
I'II keep trying.
What kind of crap
are you putting in his head?
-Niceness? What are you, his dad?
You trying to horn in on my action?
You trying to horn in on my action?
-You mocking me?
-You mocking me?
But I warn you, Trent.
My sIap-practice dummy gets
quite a workout IateIy.
You want to fight?
See what awaits you?
First watch the feet. So fast.
Look at my hands. Look at them.