I don't think so.
Not when the game's about character.
We'll give you a match.
You'll give us a game.
I doubt whether you can match us.
We'll see.
One! Two! Three!
Look up! Pass it, pass it!
Look up again!
Well done. Nice and easy.
Let the ball do the work.
As the ball's comin' to you,
look up.
Start again.
Spread out. Spread out!
Left! Left!
Up! Down!
Strike! Strike!
Up! Down!
Come on, Jerome.
Come on!
Go! Go!
One, two, three, four!
And left, and right.
And left, and right.
And left, and right.
And left, and right.
Hurry it up there! I told you two
to keep the center tight!
I've also always told you
to wear tieups on your socks.
Now you, get over there and mark up.
And you, bugger off.
Four! Five!
Now listen, Daniel. I'm not
putting you under pressure, right?
But I'm burning up phone cards...
taking bets from prisons
up and down the country.
Oh, no.
And despite
what the governor thinks...
I'm betting us to win.
So my arse is on the line.
And by my arse,
I mean your arse.
Okay, lads, need a volunteer.
Yep, Dan. Dan.
Yeah, all right, Bill.
Give Monk and Chiv a hand
with their demonstration.