Mean Machine

And left, and right.
And left, and right.

And left, and right.
And left, and right.

Hurry it up there! I told you two
to keep the center tight!

I've also always told you
to wear tieups on your socks.

Now you, get over there and mark up.
And you, bugger off.

Four! Five!
Now listen, Daniel. I'm not
putting you under pressure, right?

But I'm burning up phone cards...
taking bets from prisons
up and down the country.

Oh, no.
And despite
what the governor thinks...

I'm betting us to win.
So my arse is on the line.
And by my arse,
I mean your arse.

Okay, lads, need a volunteer.
Yep, Dan. Dan.
Yeah, all right, Bill.

Give Monk and Chiv a hand
with their demonstration.

Cheers, Danny.

Aye, right, so,
we are the cons...

and they are the screws.
So if anybody's gonna play dirty,
it's gonna be they fuckers.

So here's one or two wee examples,
just to keep us a step ahead.

Know what I mean?
Numero uno--

The accidental tread on the toe.
It's an obvious one,
but it works.

Aw, fuck!
Numero two
Right, daftie.
Run towards the Monk.

What now? Yeah?
On you go, half pace.

The cunningly titled "elbow
in the face." Very, very effective.

But you do tend to get sent off,
so if you're gonna use it...

make sure the ref's not looking.
Number four.
Hold up. Hold up.
