Men in Black II

Bring him in.
Don't think so.
What about the Light's secret?
If it's not off Earth by midnight...

:44:12 self-destructs,
annihilating your little planet.

I lose, you lose.
I win, everything keeps spinning.

You don't want the Light on Earth
any more than I do.

All right, Serleena.
You win.
Zed? Is that you?
I could be Agent Em.

Zed. Hello?
So feisty.
Fastest way back to MiB,
you take this right on 39th.

Right here. Right.
Next right on 37th.
Right here. Right!
We're not going back.
Headquarters has been breached, man.
We need to peel caps and split wigs.

Not ready.
Look, you've been out for five years.
That's a long time.

I understand you're scared.
I'm a little scared too.

- I'm not scared.
- Me neither.

I just thought we was bonding.
You're acting like a rookie.
Splitting wigs and stepping on caps.

- No wonder Zed brought me back.
- He did it because you messed up.

Your attitude makes for a
stressful environment.

Tell it to the hand.
Stressful is what we got back at MiB.

Exactly. Serleena broke into MiB
in order to lure me back.

Into a trap.
Which is why we can't
bust in there, man.

We need a plan. Where we going?
Scene of the crime?

- You're the boss.
- Scene of the crime. That's a left.
