- He had four tails.
- Don't tell lies!
A mouse does not have 4 tails.
It has just one.
I'll tell you a story
about a lion.
I strangled its neck...
He started limping.
Then I sat astride the horse.
And I escaped...
And I find a lion. I pick
it up and carry it home.
And I pet it gently.
Then he dies.
Then I bring another lion
and keep it in another house.
Then a mouse comes slowly...
And I kill it.
Don't stop. Learn it fast.
- Sir.
- Greetings.
You've brought the younger one too.
That's very nice.
People say education
makes a man soft hearted.
They just say it.
Am I soft hearted?
Teach him carefully or
he'll teach you some things.
Don't you worry. I have
set many rascals right.
Teach him that much...
...that he is able to read
all the money lender's books.
Even the English
can't read his books.
- I'll read them!
- Go and sit in your place.
Don't punish my child.
Without that, one can't
gain any knowledge.
I must have been punished
at least 250 times.
Only then have I learnt a little.
It's essential to be punished.