Ngo joh aan gin diy gwai

They are the same age.
The license number is his birthday.
Daniel loved driving it around.
Come with me.
Are you afraid of ghost?
Did you really see something?
Have you seen Daniel?
Has he come back to see you?
He's a ghost too, right?
I made it up. There's no ghost.
It doesn't exist.
That's a relief.
I'd hate to see Daniel as a ghost.
If he were a ghost,
he wouldn't want us
to see him anyway.

It was really a ghost you saw!
The kid died when he was 13.
March 4th 1979...
Let's see.
"Boy suffered nasty fall
using umbrella as parachute"

He fell to death.
He was in the fourth grade that year.
I saw him on TV 3 days later.
May 16h 1980...
"Boy strangled himself using curtain
as Tarzan rope"

He was strangled to death.
He repeated fourth grade that year.
I saw him on TV 3 days later again.
Wait dad, there's this much more?
Yes, a lot more.
"He was stung by bee,"
burned by candle, electrocuted
by wall socket,

bitten by dogs...
Enough... I remember...
That year he repeated
fourth grade again.
